Wind, waves, weather during data collection at OHGR/Dartmouth

home | Data collection times | Wind direction | Wind speed | Wave height | Wave period
Temperature | Humidity | Rainfall | Wave direction

  • Wind data collected at OHGR (CFB Shearwater). Raw wind data.
  • Wave and weather data collected by a buoy 6 nmi offshore. Raw wave data.
  • The National Data Buoy Center (not involved with the above instruments) has FAQ on how wave data is commonly processed.
  • Data collection times taken from the logbook.
  • All interpolated data shown in the plots below is compiled here.

    November 1993 data collection times
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue numbers: indices of the first and last dataset collected on each experiment day;
    Black squares: datasets.
    Date (X-axis) is in UTC coordinates, 4 hours later than the local AST time (Y-axis).

    Wind direction
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue arrows: wind direction, interpolated from raw data to get 2-hour spaced vectors.
    Date (X-axis) and Time (Y-axis) in UTC coordinates.

    Wind speed
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: wind speed [km/h];
    Red: wind gust speed [km/h], only recorded when gusts are significant;
    Black squares: wind speed [km/h], interpolated at data collection times.

    Wave height
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: significant wave height [m] over 3 hour interval;
    Red: maximum wave height [m] over 3 hour interval;
    Black squares: significant wave height [m], interpolated at data collection times.
    Note error just past 11/16 (max. height<significant height). Data may contain more typos.

    Wave period
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: average wave period [s] over 3 hour interval;
    Red: dominant (peak) wave period [s] over 3 hour interval;
    Black squares: average wave period [s], interpolated at data collection times.

    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: temperature [°C];
    Black squares: temperature [°C], interpolated at data collection times.

    Rel. humidity
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: rel. humidity [%];
    Black squares: rel. humidity [%], interpolated at data collection times.

    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Blue: hourly rainfall [mm];
    Black squares: hourly rainfall [mm], interpolated at data collection times.

    Wave Direction
    UTC date [MM/DD]
    Red arrows: wave azimuth, as computed with Doppler Sine Wave method
    Gray arrows: wind direction (copied from wind direction plot).
